PNC Presidential Candidate Dr. Mohamed Muizzu promises to ease the concerns of taxi drivers and compile a taxi drivers' registry.

He said this after meeting with the heads of the taxi centers in the Male' area earlier this morning.

The taxi drivers indicated several issues facing them in their line of work including the lack of adequate parking space for short periods of time.

They also highlighted vehicle towing due to traffic violations, difficulties in registering a new vehicle as well as when turning a private vehicle to a taxi. They also asked the PNC Candidate to make arrangements that would allow taxi drivers to get housing opportunities.

After listening to the concerns of the taxi drivers, Muizzu said that as the Mayor of Male' city, he has taken action to minimize the traffic congestion in the capital city as well as address the parking issue but noted that this Administration has failed to cooperate on these matters.

PNC Candidate meeting Taxi drivers/Photo: PPM

Muizzu said that if he is elected as President he plans to develop parking buildings in Male' and Hulhumale' and that anyone can get parking slots from these buildings. He added that the slot could be registered to the individual and that the parking building would issue garage permits to cars.

He highlighted that fishing and taxi driving were not considered professions that are allocated services and that he would compile a taxi drivers' registry just as he promised a registry for fishermen.

Muizzu said that this would make it easier for taxi drivers to get bank loans and apply for insurance schemes as well as enjoy the benefits given to other professionals.

He also promised to include drivers as a housing category and provide housing opportunities for drivers.