The Jumhooree Party Conference has voted to recommend the party council compete in the upcoming Presidential elections separate from the current coalition or form a coalition headed by the party itself.

The Conference last night debated on the resolution submitted by the former MP for Thinadhoo Dhekunu Constituency Abdullah Ahmed on competing in the elections on its own or forming a coalition.

Out of the attendees, 7 members debated on the resolution for an hour and put it to vote.

Chair of the Conference, Party Leader Gasim Ibrahim said that the resolution was passed unanimously.

While the resolution was widely supported, it does not have any legal weight and will be implemented at a later date by the new party council that would be elected by the JP Conference.

The coalition government, of which JP remains a partner, has so far secured the support of current coalition member Adhaalath and new partner Maldives Democratic Alliance MDA.

But the support of Gasim and JP would be critical for MDP to remain in power as all the previous governments won the Presidency with the backing of JP which has the vote of nearly 20,000.