The government has appointed the former CEO of Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company Ltd Ahmed Shamah as a State Minister at the Fisheries Ministry.

Presidential Spokesperson Heena Waleed confirmed his appointment as the State Minister of Fisheries Ministry and said the appointment was made today.

His appointment comes merely 24 hours after he was dismissed as the CEO of MIFCO by the Privatisation and Corporization Board PCB.

The Board did not reveal the reason behind its decision to dismiss Shamah.

Last month, PCB lifted its suspension on the former CEO following an investigation into the allegations against him which led to his suspension.

PCB suspended Shamah after receiving a complaint from the CEO about corporate governance. He was suspended on the 18th of March this year.

Shamah had a long list of complaints made against him including allegations that he had been doling out company posts to family and friends.

In a letter to Shamah, the PCB said it had identified several issues related to MIFCO, including violations of the Corporate Governance Code and rules and regulations made by the PCB.