The Parliament has extended the current term of the 19th Parliament for the third time.

The Parliament first extended its third term for this on the 27th of last month till the 7th of this month. The Parliament then extended its term for the second time till the 18th of this month.

Speaking about today's extension, Speaker of the Parliament Mohamed Aslam said that the Parliament must extend its term to approve the cabinet of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu.

He then put the decision to a vote and all 63 MPs present at today's session voted in favor of extending the third term of the parliament for this year.

The term would be extended by 10 days and this would mean the Parliament's usual December-recess has now been pushed back to the new year.

The third term of this year of the 19th Parliament had been littered with stop-start sessions with little achieved in terms of legislative work.