The MDP Parliamentary Group has submitted another no-confidence motion against the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Eva Abdullah with signatures from 50 Parliamentarians.

This includes 49 MPs from MDP as well as Independent Member MP for Nolhivaram Constituency Mohamed Nasheed Abdullah.

The motion said that Eva was elected as the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament after it was proposed by the MDP PG and with the backing of MDP MPs. It further said that MDP MPs voted for Eva to fulfill their pledges to the public and trusted her to remain faithful to the party.

The motion further said that Eva resigned from MDP on her own and that she is hindering the motion to remove Speaker of the Parliament Mohamed Nasheed from his post.

It also said that the Deputy Speaker acted against the Constitution when she refused to recuse herself from the matter as Nasheed is related to her and would have a conflict of interests on the matter.

MDP PG began compiling the no-confidence motion against Eva yesterday and collected the signatures for the motion today. As per the Parliament Standing Order, any motion to remove the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament with signatures from one-fourth of the Parliamentarians.

As the 19th Parliament has 87 MPs, one-fourth of the MPs would be 21 MPs.

This is the second time MDP has submitted a no-confidence motion against Eva. The Party withdrew its first motion during the Presidential Election.