The Democrats have decided to hold a vital council meeting today ahead of its decision about forming a coalition before the presidential run-off later this month.

The party said that the Council meeting would start at 3:00 p.m. today and that it would held at its main party center.

The Democrats did not reveal what would be discussed at the meeting but it is believed that the forming coalitions ahead of the run-off would be high on the agenda.

While the country voted for its President for the next five years, none of the 8 candidates who contested for the post secured an outright 50 percent of the votes and the election would now be decided in a run-off.

PNC Candidate Dr. Mohamed Muizzu came in first with 101, 613 votes (46.06 percent) would competed against MDP Candidate President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih who received 86,151 votes.

The Democrats candidate MP Ilyas Labeeb came in third with more than 15,000 votes and the party now holds the 'Kingmaker' position because of the votes they command.

Coalition talks are continue behind closed doors from both sides and so far only Maldives National Party MNP has announced its decision about a potential coalition saying that it would be supporting PPM in the nexy round.