Police have arrested an Indian man for allegedly sexually harassing a local.

A man named Muhuthaaru Ansaaree was arrested by local police for sexual harassment and unwanted touching.

The arrest warrant issued against him by the court stated that Police had sufficient evidence against him. The arrest warrant also said that the Police followed all technicalities when apprehending the suspect.

The suspect has now been remanded in custody for another 10 days.

Foreigners including Indians have been arrested in the Maldives before in relation to sexual harassment and abuse cases.

Lately, the number of Indian teachers accused of harassing local students has increased but many are accusing authorities of sweeping these cases under the rug and oftentimes deporting the suspects in question before the due process of the law is completed.

In a recent case that surfaced, an Indian man who was accused of sexually harassing a child was deported while his case was being appealed at the High Court.

Immigration Authorities claimed that the Prosecutor general's office had failed notified of the defendants legal status and hence the suspect was deported.