Maldives Democratic Party MDP says it will dismiss MPs who vote against Attorney General Ibrahim Riffath during the voting of the no-confidence motion submitted against the government's top lawyer.

The motion against the Attorney General was submitted to the parliament last Thursday in relation to the Chagos dispute in which some say the Maldives lost part of its EEZ.

While the motion was submitted by the Opposition, MPs supporting the faction of MDP President and Speaker of the Parliament Mohamed are expected to support axing the Attorney General.

But MDP Chairperson and Minister at the President's Office Ibrahim Waheed said that there was no way the Attorney General would be dismissed from his post.

He said that MDP would not vote against the AG in such a motion that MDP's constitution does not allow party MPs to take part in another party's political activity and that such MPs would be dismissed.

Waheed said that this clause would be implemented if MDP MPs vote against the AG.

He added that the MPs would be notified before they are dismissed from the party and given ample time to defend their case.

Under the Constitution, a no-confidence motion against a sitting Minister can only be submitted to the parliament with the signature of 10 MPs and can only be passed with the approval of 43 MPs.