Fishermen from Laamu Atoll and Thaa Atoll have staged a strike in Laamu Maandhoo saying that the Fisheries Complex on the island has failed to pay them for months.

The Fisheries Complex on Maandhoo is operated by the Villa Group of Jumhooree Party leader Gasim Ibrahim.

Fishermen from 22 vessels have joined the strike and they are demanding that they get paid for the fish they weigh at the complex.

The fishermen say that the Complex owe them millions for unpaid dues.

The participants of the strike are calling on the complex to give them what they are owed and if they cannot, to give the fish back. They are also complaining that the complex is selling ice and diesel to fishermen at high prices.

Fishermen across the country have been calling on the government to regularize the price of diesel and ice sold to fishermen from private factories just as they are sold by state companies.