Housing Development Corporation HDC says it has installed 1,600 security cameras in 8 towers of the Hiya Flats.

HDC said that in order to ensure the safety and security of the residents of Hiya Flats, it has installed a total of 1,688 security cameras in 8 Hiya towers.

CCTV cameras installed in the Hiya Flats/Photo: HDC

The Corporation further said that it was working to make the cameras operational.

New cameras were installed in;

  • H5, H8, H9, and H12 (222 cameras in each tower)
  • H6, H7, H10, H12 (192 cameras in each tower)

Security cameras were initially installed in the Hiya Flats last July. While the work to further bolster the security of the flats continues, HDC assured that once all the cameras were installed, there would be 3,072 cameras monitoring the flats.

While has been a year since people began to live in the Hiya flats, several social and security have popped up in the urban area. This prompted HDC to have 24 hours security services in the flats that house 1000s now.