The Prosecutor General's Office on Wednesday have appointed its new Assistant Prosecutor General.

Al-Ustad Abdulla Raabiu was appointed to the desgination by the incumbent Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem.

Prior to getting appointed as the Assistant Prosecutor General of Maldives, Ustad Raabiu had acted as the Senior Public Prosecutor of the office.

Ustad Raabiu commenced his career as a prosecutor in 18 February 2009, and his first position was as an Assistant Public Prosecutor at the office.

Moreover, he is regarded among the most experienced prosecutors in the country with years of experience and expertise.

His academic background confirm Ustad Raabiu received his First Degree from Al-Azhar University, Egypt. After this he read for his Masters at Villa College in Shar'ia Law.

Ustad Raabiu is the newest holding the title alongside Al-Ustad Hussain Nashid, Al-Ustada Jihadha Anees and Al-Ustada Shamra Shameem who have been acting as Acting Prosecutor Generals as well.