Health Protection Agency HPA has lifted Sh.Narudhoo from monitoring status more than a month after the island reported its first case of Covid-19.

Narudhoo is the first island outside of Male’ Area to report a case of Covid-19 after the captain of the island’s Amaaz Boat tested positive for Covid-19 on April 25.

Contract tracing revealed several new cases of Covid-19 from the island.

Narudhoo has been under monitoring since the 25th of April and HPA lifted the island from that status yesterday.

The island would be allowed to hold communal prayers after 14 days.

Also, public services would be resumed on the island after two weeks.

This would include social and economic services and islanders would be allowed to move within the island.

HPA had advised although the island would be opened up for public services in 14 days, inhabitants must adhere to strict social distancing protocols to deter the spread of the virus.