MedTech announces the arrival of 18 ICU ventilators it procured as per the agreement with the Government to aid in the fight against global Pandemic Covid-19.

The ventilators arrived via a cargo flight from Sri Lankan Airline in collaboration with the airline’s local agent Inner Maldives.

In a tweet, Inner Maldives Managing Director Mohamed Firaaq said, the cargo shipment includes the 18 ICU ventilators, as well as other medical supplies ordered by MedTech.

The government had awarded a contract worth MRF 14 Million to MedTech to procure and deliver 50 ventilators.

The Government had also tasked Naad Company to purchase and deliver 13 ventilators for MRF 1.3 Million. These contracts were awarded to these companies under single-source procurement because of the urgent need for the equipment during the Covid-19 crisis.

Additionally, the Government is procuring 75 ventilators from Dubai’s Executor General Trading through World Health Organization WHO. Health Minister Abdullah Ameen had said that some of these ventilators would arrive in the country later this month.

The government had said the global demand for ventilators amid the Covid-19 crisis and the challenges in global traveling are two of the main reasons why the ventilators have been delayed.