Maldives Police Service on early hours of Saturday, assisted a woman who was aground in a Male' City street.

Authorities received report of a female aground, around 03:30hrs on Saturday early morning, around central Male' City area.

Ambulances were not operational at the hour and local police confirm she was transferred to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) around 04:08hrs. Police claimed the woman remained motionless through the transfer to hospital, however she was reported to have regained consciousness around 04:31hrs.

Police confirm the woman was aged 18 and was identified as a Maldivian local.

Moreover, authorities did not disclose the nature of the woman's condition - whether she fell due to sickness or some other reason, had not been detailed.

All relevant authorities to the case had refused to disclose further information about the incident.

It was confirmed Maldives Police were conducting an investigation into the incident.