Covid-19: Doctor quarantined in Maldives

Official spokesperson for Covid-19 updates Mr. Mabrouk Azeez says a doctor who had been involved in the treatment of infected patients have been placed under quarantine.

Speaking to the media, Mr. Mabrouk said the doctor had been actively involved in the treatment of Covid-19 patients here in the Maldives and was qurantined after showing symptoms of the virus.

Mr. Mabrouk said although the identity of the doctor cannot be revealed, the name of the qurantine facility the doctor is staying will be revealed.

He said 6 medical professionals involved in the treatment of Covid-19 patients in Dharumavantha Hospital were isolated after they showed signs of common cold. Mr. Mabrouk added that they had been tested for the virus and been allowed to go back to work as they showed no signs of the illness.

Currently 866 people have been placed under quarantine at various facilities while 15 people remain in isolation.

A total of 18 people have now tested positive for Covid-19 here in the Maldives including three Maldivians.

All three came back from the UK.