The Parliament has given its backing to appoint Abbas Shareef as the new Prosecutor General.

Yesterday, the Parliament's Judiciary Committee interviewed Abbas and recommended him as the state's top prosecutor to the Parliament floor.

Today, the Parliament convened to vote on his appointment. All 85 MPs who participated in the vote, favored Abbas as the new Prosecutor General.

Currently, the Legal Secretary at the President's Office Abbas, was a High Court judge from 2011 to 2015. Abbas, who acquired his law degree from Australia's University of Tasmania, has represented former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Abdullah Yameen.

The post of Prosecutor General became vacant after the former Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem resigned on the 22nd of August.

However, the Parliament moved to remove him from his post after saying that they did not receive his resignationn letter in time after a motion to dismiss him was submitted to the parliament.