Police have re-arrested the suspect in an accident involving a race car after the High Court released him due to a technical blunder during his hearing at the Criminal Court.

The driver of the race car, Ibrahim Ikram was arrested after the accident in July in which he crashed into a civilian on a motorcycle after the race car he was driving spun out of control.

Video footage of the accident near the Vinares flats in Hulhumale' showed that the suspect was driving at a high speed.

Yesterday, the High Court moved to release him from custody after it determined that the Criminal Court should not have held his remand hearing without his lawyer present at the hearing.

However, Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusan said today that the suspect has been re-arrested after the court issued a warrant for his arrest.

Two others were arrested along with Ikram in the case and all three have previous criminal records.

Police had said that the civilian who was hit by the car suffered serious injuries due to the collision. They said that he suffered fractures on his collar bone and back bone as well as injuries to his head.