The MP for Velidhoo Constituency Mohamed Abbas has warned Prosecutor General Hussain Shameem that he too would be dismissed by the Parliament if he fails to fulfil his responsibilities.

The MP made his comments during the debate on the amendments submitted to the Criminal Procedures Act by the MP for Manadhoo Constituency Husnee Mubarak.

During the debate, MP Abbas said that the Prosecutor General should not work to ensure the rights of a group of people but for all the people.

He (Shameem) should fulfill his legal obligations or resign from his post immediately. Or else we will replace him (Shaheem) like we did the MMA Governor.
MP Abbas

Abbas said the 20th parliament would not allow those who are oppressive to the people and do not work according to the wishes of the people to be appointed to senior positions.

He said the arbitrary detention, or detention of people pending trial, should be ended, whether under the powers of the President or the Prosecutor General under the Constitution.

Abbas called on the Attorney General, Prosecutor General and judges to fulfill their elevated legal responsibilities without making excuses and consulting with government officials to find a temporary solution.