The body of Lance Corporal Mohamed Zaidhan who tragically died yesterday while on a training at MDNF Training Center in Laamu Kadhoo has been flown to his home island of Raa Atoll Ungoofaru for his burial.

The 23-year-old Lance Corporal was killed after a shark attacked him during a training exercise in the sea. He succumbed to his injuries last night while under treatment at the Laamu Gan Regional Hospital.

Local reports said that the shark had bitten him on his thighs and that he lost a lot of blood because of his injuries.

The body of the fallen Lance Corporal was carried in a coffin which was draped with the national flag. Fellow soldiers carried the coffin of their fallen compatriot from the plane as MNDF prepared for a state funeral.

Funeral prayers for Lance Corporal Zaidhan will be held after Asr prayers at the Masjid Al Dustoor Afraaseem Ali (Islamic Center) in Ungoofaaru.

Residents of the island have been invited to pay their last respects to the Lance Corporal between 13:00 and 15:00 today.