Police have today arrested the local captain of a launch after he hit a foreigner out diving for reef fish near Alifu Dhaalu Dhagethi.

Police have confirmed that the foreigner who was hit by the vessel had succumbed to his injuries. They also said that he had gone reef fishing on a boat named 'Twins' from Faafu Atoll Feeali.

Police had said that the incident was reported around 07:55 a.m. and that the man who was hit by the launch was rushed to the nearest health center in Dhagethi.

However, Police said the man was declared upon arrival at the Health Center.

After the incident, Police arrested the captain of the launch that hit the foreigner. Police confirmed this was a local man but did not give any more details about the suspect.

Police added that they were further investigating the incident.

Video of the incident is circulating on social media and it showed that the area above which the victim was diving for reef fish was marked with flags and floating boxes indicating that reef fishermen were below.