Opposition Parliamentarians have given a passionate response after Speaker of the Parliament Mohamed Nasheed invited the opposition's Presidential Candidate Abdullah Yameen to work together in order to defeat President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih in the September elections.

Speaking at the inaugural political rally of The Democrats, Nasheed said that he felt that both he and Yameen should not compete in the elections but rather work together to end the reign of President Solih.

Nasheed who recently left MDP said that the people do not like the administration of President Solih and they are hoping for a change.

He further said that the responsibility of changing the administration now falls on the shoulders of the opposition parties.

The former President said that if all the political parties band together and hold discussions, there is no doubt that a solution can be found.

In response, Vice President of PPM and MP for Naifaru Constituency Ahmed Shiyam said that Nasheed was speaking about his own thinking and that Nasheed as well as the Democrats were a bit behind when it comes to the September elections.

Shiyam said that Democrats did not even have a candidate but the opposition coalition had fielded a candidate a long way back and had already begun their campaigning.

Meanwhile, MP for Mahibadhoo Constituency Ahmed Thoriq said that there is the potential for the one-candidate formula and that this formula would ensure that President Solih cannot win the election in one round.

He further said there was a way to definitely change the regime and that this was for all to stand behind Yameen including the democrats and win Maldives back for its people.

Thoriq's sentiments were met by the President of PNC Abdul Raheem Abdullah who said that God willing Yameen would be able to compete in the elections and that the people would believe that their needs would be most met under the regime of the former President.

He added that the people do not believe any other political leader can save the country right now.

Adhurey along with other Opp. leaders outside the President's Office/Photo: PPM

Former Vice President Mohamed Jameel Ahmed said that PPM was the largest political party in the country and that under its 5-year rule, the country saw development and prosperity. He further said that only ex-President Yameen spoke against the country selling its waters and sovereignty and that no one can say otherwise.

MP for Maduvari Constituency Adam Umar Shareef pointed out that the only candidate capable of resolving the major issues plaguing the country as well as defending its freedom, reinvigorating Islamic values and Maldivian customs, and upholding a lawful administration.

He added that Yameen would defeat President Solih and that the best way to defeat the President is for Nasheed to compete in the elections too.