State Electric Company Limited STELCO's managing director Ahmed Shareef says starting today the company must work to become a company that prioritizes its customers' best interests above anything else.

He made the remarks at the small ceremony held to mark the company's 25th anniversary at its headquarters in Male' today.

Several high-ranking officials from the company took part in the ceremony at which a cake was also cut to commemorate the utility company's silver jubilee.

Addressing the company's employees present at the ceremony, Shareef said that the company should fully appreciate those who have served the company in the last 25 years.

He noted that in the last few years, the company grew because of such employees. He also lauded the work of current staff and the company and thanked them for their efforts.

Shareef urged Stelco staff to make the company one that prioritizes the word of its customers above anything else. He said that the company must first choose customer interests when making decisions and with employee interests following afterward.

He added that the company must work in this manner to cement itself in the hearts of the company's customers.