Police have confirmed the arrest of a 4th suspect in relation to the May 6th terrorist attack that targeted the Speaker of the Parliament and former President Mohamed Nasheed.

Speaking at a press conference today, Police said that last night it carried out an operation in Baa Atoll Dharavandhoo and had apprehended a suspect in relation to the attack against Nasheed.

Police revealed that suspect to be Ahmed Fathihu of Laamu Gan Dhunfin Ufaa. They confirmed that the suspect had now been transferred to Male' after his COVID-19 test was conducted.

Police also said that it was carrying out special operations in relation to the May 6th attack and that some of these operations were still underway.

Two suspects under police custody/ Photo: Police

They also said that 9 people were arrested in an operation carried out in Addu City and that they were now working to determine to establish a connection between these suspects and the assassination attempt on Nasheed.