President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has emphasized the government’s commitment to ensure equal prospects and prejudice-free opportunities for professional growth in all national service sectors.

He was speaking at a function held at the headquarters of the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) this morning to award promotions to MNDF officers.

On this note, President Solih said that it is the first time in the history of MNDF; women have been promoted from the rank of Major to Lieutenant Colonel.

The President said that this is a testament that equal prospects for growth are accorded to MNDF servicewomen and added that efforts are undertaken to reform the process of awarding promotions in the military.

President Solih said over the past two years, the government has undertaken extensive efforts to develop the country’s military services; including providing the necessary resources and equipment, in addition to training and education opportunities.

The President also noted some of the highlights of this effort, including improvements to the welfare of military personnel and their kin.

The President also spoke about MNDF service members’ commendable services in the frontlines of the Covid-19 response. He also highlighted the government’s notable achievements in facilitating development assistance of the military through Maldives’ bilateral and multilateral partners.