Maldives Police Service officers will have their defensive armory upped a notched with electric tasers packed to their utility belts.

The 'smart taser' weapon, that sends high-powered non-lethal electric shocks to assailants are effective in subduing assailants and uncooperative protestants. The weapon can also be used to tame criminals attempting violence of trying to escape custody.

Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed in a video uploaded to Twitter confirmed local police authority officers will be geared up with electric tasers in the future to protect themselves against threats as well as ensure public safety from violent criminals.

"With the aim of futher improving officer safety [and] public protection, we are starting to trial the provision of Conducted Electric Weapon (CEW) as a force option," Commissioner of Police Hameed said.

Maldives Public for years have raised concern over lack of proper protective and defensive gear for local law enforcement officers which has worked against the de-escalation of criminal and violent conduct.

Parliament have amended several sections of the Maldives Police Act to ensure provision of more authority and power on local officers to help them combat against anti-social elements.

However, weaponizing officers have been met with polarizing opinion.