Official spokesperson for Covid-19 updates Mr. Mabrouk Azeez says two more patients who were previously tested positive for Covid-19 have now recovered.

Speaking to the press earlier tonight, Mr. Mabrouk said a total of 13 patients have now recovered from Covid-19 here in the Maldives. He added that only the two Maldivians who tested positive for the virus here in Maldives are the only ones currently under treatment.

A total of 17 people have tested positive for Covid-19 here in Maldives although only 15 remain in the country. Two Italians who were tested positive for the virus departed back to Italy following the completion of their quarantine period. Samples taken from these Italians came back positive after they left the country and authorities have said that these samples were taken for research purposes.

But Heath Protection Agency HPA has since amended its guidelines stating that all individuals placed under quarantine must be tested for the virus before their release.