The suspect who was arrested after he held a woman hostage in Male' has succumbed to his injuries following the attempt to take his own life while under police custody.

Ahmed Athuhar was taken under police custody last Thursday after he held his girlfriend at knifepoint before Police intervened to free the girl from his grasp. The suspect received blows to his head in the Police attempt to diffuse the situation and was treated at two different hospitals before being taken under police custody.

However, the suspect was rushed to Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital IGMH after he was found trying to take his own life in his holding cell.

Police said that Athuhar had succumbed to his injuries earlier this evening and that they have launched an investigation into his death.

They added that they will perform an autopsy to determine the cause of death for the suspect.

Police had released a timeline for his attempt to take his own life and revealed that they found him hanging on his cell during a CCTV sweep of the holding cells.

Police assured that the suspect was rushed to the hospital as soon as he was found.