Immigration Controller Mohamed Shamman says the list of food places that supposedly sold food made out of cat meat is a fake message being circulated in the name of Immigration.

The message surfaced after local authorities yesterday detained a Bangladeshi man who had been accused of selling food made out of cat meat in Male'.

32-year-old Arafat Hossain was arrested yesterday morning and is now under Immigration's custody.

32-year-old Hossain was arrested today/Photo: Immigration

A message was circulated on social media platforms as a screenshot of an X post supposedly made by Immigration which lists some places where the cat meat food was sold.

In the fake post, Immigration advises the public to seek medical attention if they have eaten from these places recently.

But the Immigration Controller quoted this post as a fake list being circulated in the agency's name. Immigration also posted shortly afterwards saying it was fake and urging all to act responsibly.

Members of the public are imploring government agencies to provide accurate and timely information as the recent raids on illegal immigrants have revealed alarming truths about the food preparation industry.

The raids targeting illegal businesses being operated by migrants have uncovered many such places where food should never be produced.