State Trading Organization STO has appointed 7 members to its Board of Directors.

The appointments were made at the company's Annual General Meeting held last night at the Neeri Lounge of the Sea Plane terminal at Velaana International Airport.

Out of the 7, 6 members were appointed on behalf of the government and one member was appointed on behalf of the common shareholders to the board of directors.

  • Amir Mansoor- STO Chairman
  • Shimad Ibrahim- CEO and Managing Director
  • Mohamed Nizam- Chief Finance Officer
  • Mohamed Murad-Board Member
  • Dhanish Mohamed Ameen-Board Member
  • Reesha Abdul Munim-Board member
  • Mohamed Ahsan Saleem-Board Member (Shareholders member)

Back in 2023, the Privatization and Corporization brought changes to the company's board of directors.

Last night, STO AGM appointed Deloitte as the External Auditors for the year 2024