The Housing Ministry has published the permanent list of flat recipients under the Gedhoruveriya Housing Scheme.

This includes the 4,000 applicants who would be given the housing units being built by the state-owned Fahi Dhiriulhunn Corporation right now.

The Ministry said in a statement that the 4,000 recipients include those who received above 76 marks in the final list for three-room apartments and those who received above 73 marks for two-room apartments.

It also said that the flat draw for the recipients would be held soon and that they would be informed about the date and time via the Gedhoruveriya Portal.

The Ministry added that those who are not included in the 4,000 but are listed in the Permanent list would also be given flats under other housing schemes carried out by the government.

The Housing Ministry published the final list of flat recipients after a civilian filed a case at the Anti-Corruption Commission ACC accusing the government of giving away flats without a clear guideline.