Utility Company Fenaka says allegations that state that the company is involved in corruption are meant to smear the company's reputation and name.

Fenaka said this in regard to a new article with the headline 'Fenaka involved in corruption worth MVR 100 million".

The Utility company said that allegations that suggest that Fenaka was involved in corrupt transactions while providing basic services to the people are baseless and untrue.

It said that those who were spreading these rumors were envious of the achievements of the current management of Fenaka and wanted to smear the good name of the company as well as the management and employees of Fenaka.

Fenaka said that it was providing water services to 73 islands, sanitation services to 88 islands, and maintaining drinking water services in 6 islands and that the company understands that it is its legal responsibility to ensure these services are given without disruption.

It said that it was company practice to acquire materials needed to provide services through the company procurement system. It assured that the company uses a rigorous procurement process to weed out any corrupt practices when procuring materials for short-term and long-term uses.

The Company said that it cannot understand how it can be issued to procure materials for the company's daily needs.

Fenaka assured that it was not involved in any practices that would lead to corruption and the constant unverified allegations of corruption were detrimental to the company and its relationship with its customers.