A huge crowd of supporters has accompanied Jumhooree Party Leader Gasim Ibrahim as he filed his candidacy for the September Presidential Elections.

Gasim is the 7th candidate to file his candidacy as he and the throng of supporters walked to the Elections Headquarters located in Dharubaaruge from the JP main office on Majeedhee Magu.

He was also accompanied by his running mate Ameen Ibrahim and Gasim's wife and Transport Minister Aishath Nahula.

President of the Elections Commission Fuwad Thaufeeq accepted Gasim's candidacy as his Election Agent and former Tourism Minister Ali Waheed hyped up the crowd of supporters gathered in the hall.

Gasim hands over candidacy form to the EC/Photo: The Press

Gasim's submission comes hours before the Commission closes the application for candidacy as the deadline has been set for 2:00 pm today.

All major political parties operating in the country have now filed candidacies ahead of the election including MDP, JP, MNP, PNC, and the Democrats.

The Elections Commission has given green light to the Candidacies of MDP Candidate President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, MNP Candidate Colonel Retired Mohamed Nazim and the Democrats candidate Ilyas Labeeb.