MP for Maafannu Medhu Constituency Ibrahim Rasheed says the sale of land plots from Kaafu Thilafushi to foreigners should be stopped and that the island must be liberated.

His call comes after Housing Development HDC announced that 90 percent of the land plots leased from Thilafushi would be set aside for locals, implying that the rest can be purchased by foreign investors.

MP Rasheed said that 100 percent of the industrial island should be released to just locals and labeled HDC as a corporation that consumes the land.

He called on all to take back all the land that has been sold.

Many have joined MP Rasheed in voicing concerns about leasing lands to foreigners from Thilafushi. But the Parliament recently threw out a motion by the opposition MP Adam Shareef Umar that calls for the stop to the sale.

The land plots from Thilafushi can be leased to foreigners for up to 99 years.