The local Government Authority LGA has decided to suspend all the members of the Dhuvaafaru Island Council after it was revealed that the councilors had deposited money into their own accounts illegally.

LGA decided on this action at its meeting yesterday.

It also said that the Dhuvaafaru Council would now be run by the Council's Secretary General.

The authority published a report last July alleging that MVR 318,600 received as Zakat Al-Maal had been deposited to Assistant Director Mohamed Alifulhu and that MVR 54,508 was given to Councilor Zuhudha Adam in cash for Zakat purposes and that there is no track of the money.

It was also revealed that several other councilors had received huge amounts of cash directly into their accounts.

The report also said that the Council has failed to keep the balances of the accounts and has violated the public finance act.

It also said that some councilors had failed to report to the office for more than 50 days while the Decentralization act stipulates that the Councillors can be fired from their posts if they are absent for more than a week without a legitimate reason.

Anti-Corruption Commission is also investigating this case.