MP for Ungoofaaru Constituency Mohamed Waheed has submitted an emergency motion to the parliament calling for a special task force to combat extremism.

Speaking at the parliament after submitting the motion, MP Waheed said that government agencies have fallen behind in the battle against extremism.

He said that new ideas are needed to prevent extremist activities in the country.

The MP noted several incidents of extremism that had popped up over the last few weeks including;

  • The Commissioner of Police said that there are 1,400 people who would not hesitate to commit violent acts and even kill in the name of religion
  • The attack against State Minister Ali Solih who was stabbed in broad daylight
  • Explosives and bombs produced and being used to attack different targets.

The MP had also included several actions that can be taken to combat extremism including forming a special task force compiling members of implementing agencies and security agencies.

MP Waheed said that the task force can monitor mosques and schools to prevent the spread of extremist thinking. He also said that more religious awareness program should be held with cooperation of the Islamic Ministry.

The motion was accepted for debate with vote from 25 MP present at today's session.