Health Protection Agency HPA has reported an additional 167 cases of COVID-19 in the country as authorities tightened measures in a bid to quell the runaway pandemic.

HPA said in its daily update that out of the 167 new cases, 135 were reported from the Greater Male' Area. HPA had also reported 17 from inhabited islands while another 15 were confirmed from operational resorts.

Today's COVID-19 cases take the total pandemic cases reported in the island nation to a staggering 20.447.

HPA had said that there are 2664 active cases of COVID-19 in the country and that 180 COVID-19 patients remained hospitalized for further treatment.

A promising 17,712 people have now recovered from the pandemic here in the Maldives.

HPA had also confirmed that the pandemic has killed 64 people since April last year and that two of them had died so far this month.

This includes a 67-year-old man who died at IGMH/ER after he was rushed to the hospital in an unresponsive state and a 78-year-old local man who died today while under treatment at DH11.

The government had today extended the State of Public Health Emergency by another month while the HPA announced the extension of the curfew currently in place in the Greater Male' Area.