Health Protection Agency HPA has confirmed another COVID-19 after reporting that a local man had died from the illness today.

HPA said in a tweet that today at 06:09 pm, a 78-year-old Maldivian male admitted in DH11 had passed away.

This is the second person to die from the fast-spreading disease in the Maldives so far this month with another local man dying from the pandemic yesterday.

Last month 10 people had succumbed to the illness in the Maldives.

Today's death case takes the total pandemic casualty to 64 since April of last year.

HPA had confirmed that out of the 64 who had died from the pandemic, 57 are locals and that the death toll includes 7 foreigners too.

The Agency had also said that the total confirmed cases include 7 deceased positive cases whose cause of death is not directly due to COVID-19.

HPA had today reported a further 167 new cases as the daily pandemic numbers show no sign of declining despite the many restrictive measures taken against the rampant pandemic.