Elections Commission (EC) of Maldives on Monday has announced the scheduled Local Council Election cannot be tabled on dates mandated through the law.

The commission on Monday addressed over the current viral pandemic of COVID-19 due to which Maldives government have earlier announced a State of Public Emergency.

Maldives government recently extended the Public Emergency period from its initial 30-day duration to an additional 30-day period.

EC in its statement argued, the council election was not possible on the scheduled date of 18 April 2020 due to the presence of the viral pandemic.

The commission further stated, it was under EC's mandate to ensure a safe environment for voters during any election. Adding the current situation of Public Health Emergency, in light of fears of a viral contagion present in the country, intervenes on a safe electoral proceeding.

Furthermore, the commission notes it will announce a decision on prospective proceedings for the election post a legal remedy for the situation.