Seasoned Indian Politician Subramanian Swamy has issued a challenge to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on how he would react after the Maldivian government ordered India to withdraw its troops by March 15th.

In a post on X, Swamy of the ruling BJP stated that President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu issued an ultimatum to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to withdraw troops and associates by 15th March or face the consequences.

He went on to question whether Prime Minister Modi would comply or whether he would send the Indian Army, Airforce, and Navy as former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and replace the Maldivian President.

To clarify, former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi sent troops to the Maldives upon the request of its then-President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom back in November of 1988 to repel a coup instigated by foreign fighters led by several traitorous Maldivians.

Yesterday, the President's Office stated that President Muizzu has ordered India to withdraw its troops stationed in the Maldives by March 15th.

Later on, the Maldivian Foreign Ministry indicated that India had agreed to fast-track the withdrawal of Indian troops deployed in the Maldives as both countries engaged in high-level core group discussions in the Maldives.