The Religious Scholars Association says it will be backing MDP Presidential Candidate President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih in the Presidential Election scheduled for next Saturday.

It made the announcement today at a press conference.

Speaking at the news conference, scholar Sheikh Dr. Mohamed Ghubaadh Abubakar said that in the last five years, President Solih had fostered good relationships with people from different political affiliations.

He said that but the President had managed to maintain the country's peace despite this and that there was no political chaos in the country anymore.

Speaking at the same news conference, scholar Sheikh Ilyas Hussain said that President Solih was different from those who had ruled before him.

Sheikh Ilyas said that instead of arresting and jailing political opponents, President Solih welcomed different schools of thought and was open to them too.

Social Media Savy scholar Dr. Mohamed Iyaz said that President Solih listened to religious scholars. He said that if scholars expressed concern about any matter, the President does all in his power to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

He highlighted the issue of school girls wearing face veils, and the issues surrounding the hate bill, and also acted in favour of the scholars when he decided to dissolve the secular-oriented NGO MDN.

The backing from the Religious Scholars Association was announced amid reports that say PNC Candidate Dr. Mohamed Muizzu won the poll taken in a Viber group for the scholars.