The Foreign Ministry has cautioned Maldivians against traveling to Ukraine amid tensions in the region raised with the possibility of war now on the horizon.

Global powers are warning of a possible Russian attack against Ukraine as the former superpower had amassed troops to the border it shares with Ukraine.

This has led to many nations urging their citizens to leave Ukraine as the US had issued a warning that aerial attacks could begin at any given time.

Russian service members taking part in military exercises/ Photo: Reuters

Citing the tension, the Foreign Ministry said that it was closely monitoring the situation there and that it was also keeping an eye on the status of the Maldivians currently in Ukraine.

The Foreign Ministry urged the Maldivian nationals living in Ukraine to abide by the instructions given by the Ukrainian government and to take all necessary precautionary measures.

The Ministry further instructed the Maldivians now in Ukraine to register at the Ministry or at the nearest Maldivian diplomatic post which it identified as the Maldivian embassy in Germany.

Given the imminent threat of war breaking out in Ukraine, the Foreign Ministry urged Maldivians not to travel to Ukraine at the moment.