Foreign Minister Abdullah Shahid has renewed the call for scaled-up ambition to tackle climate change by submitting stronger and more enhanced NDCs, as well as reducing emissions to keep the global temperature increase within 1.5 degrees.

He made the comments while delivering remarks at the Virtual Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) Leaders’ Event, on the sidelines of the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Minister Shahid represented President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih at the CVF Leaders’ Event and congratulated the Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, for assuming the role of Chair of the CVF and commended her exemplary leadership of Bangladesh on climate-related issues.

He also congratulated Speaker of the Parliament and former President Mohamed Nasheed for being appointed as the CVF’s Thematic Ambassador for Ambition, noting that his leadership on climate change will bring impetus to the work of CVF and encourage stronger climate action.

Minister Shahid further renewed the call for scaled-up ambition to tackle climate change by submitting stronger and more enhanced NDCs, as well as reducing emissions to keep the global temperature increase within 1.5 degrees.

He noted that CVF stands out due to the willingness of its members to match words with meaningful action, despite limitations. He called on countries to keep up the momentum in the lead up to COP 26 in Glasgow next year.

He emphasized that more ambitious climate action can only be achieved with access to adequate, predictable, and sustainable finance, especially for the most vulnerable communities to climate change. He noted that the share of this finance was too little for climate-vulnerable countries.