Health Protection Agency (HPA) has confired a total of 16 new positive cases and 15 additional recoveries on Sunday, 21 June.

As per the latest updates on Covid-19 related statistics, the total number of positive cases reported so far in Maldives have reached 2,203 which is inclusive of both active cases and recoveries.

The newest batch of new cases reported on Sunday include 8 locals, 7 Bangladeshis and one Indian.

Bangladesh nationals report a total of 1,160 positive cases in Maldives while total Maldivians testing positive for the disease so far is at 767.

Meanwhile the total recoveries have reached 1,803 which is an 81 percent recovery rate, while deaths related to the virus stayed constant at 8 which is a receding 0.36 percent mortality rate.

As of Sunday, the total number of active cases have slightly increased from the previous day to hit 387 but is still relatively lower than recoveries.