Rapid Response Team RRT spokesperson Abdul Hameed says most are reluctant to work in the RRTs as their work involves great risks in the fight against Covid-19.

Speaking to the media on behalf of the RRT, Hameed said working in the RRT is both risky and brave and that few are willing to take those risks. He highlighted that this would account for why the RRT’s are short in numbers.

Hameed said RRT members always worked in full PPE gear and would change the PPE after exiting each premises. He said the PPE gear cannot be re-used after attending to a suspected case of Covid-19 and that it must be discarded.

Hameed also noted that the bad weather conditions have hindered the RRT work and that an RRT member must not get wet while wearing full PPE gear. He said that this would invite further spread of the infection.

Hameed also conceded that 400 samples are yet to be taken and that there is a back of 72 hours. He added that the RRT was working tirelessly to clear the backlog.