Government offices have changed the ticketing rules for air travel to reduce government expenditure.

In a circular signed by the Finance Ministry Dr. Mohamed Shafeeq said that since January 2016, government offices had been instructed to book local and international flights via Maldivian under Island Aviation Services.

However, the circular said that this will be scrapped effective 4th of July.

The circular also states that for air flights by government offices to destinations other than those served by Maldivian, the government will seek tickets from the cheapest available airline after considering the prices of the airlines directly.

These changes will be in effect from 4th July onwards.

Government trips are always expensive. President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu had said he did not want to spend a lot of money from the state budget on any official trip and insisted that he and his Vice President would not be flying in first class when going abroad for official trips.